Jody Swirepik
Management Board Chair, Goyder Institute for Water Research

Jody Swirepik
Management Board Chair, Goyder Institute for Water Research
Ms Swirepik holds a wealth of experience in the water sector and natural resources management, working with a broad range of stakeholders including First Nations peoples, government agencies and communities.
Since March 2021, Jody was the Director of National Parks within the Department for Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. Between 2018-2021, Jody was appointed the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder before moving into her last position. Prior to this, Jody spent three years as Executive General Manager of the Clean Energy Regulator working on carbon farming and emissions reductions. In her earlier career, Jody worked for the NSW EPA and the ACT Government before joining the Murray-Darling Basin Commission and subsequently the Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA). Jody spent three years as General Manager of The Living Murray Initiative before becoming Executive Director Environmental Management in the MDBA.