Our vision through to 2023 is that the Goyder Institute enhances the vibrancy of communities across South Australia and nationally by continuing to lead the delivery of impactful research for sustainable, innovative and integrated water management. The Institute will continue to facilitate collaborative partnerships between governments, industry and research institutions to develop and adopt solutions for complex water management challenges.
The Strategic Plan 2020-2023 identifies five Priority Impact Areas for the Institute which align to key policies such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the National Water Initiative, the Murray-Darling Basin Plan and the South Australian Climate Change Action Plan. The five cross-cutting and interlinked Priority Impact Areas are:
- Water for Cities and People. Integrated urban water management to enhance the cultural, environmental, social and economic value of the landscape for the well-being of urban communities. Identifying potable water source options to support the health and well-being of remote communities.
- Water for the Environment. Restoration and protection of key ecological assets to maintain our biodiversity and support the health and well-being of all communities.
- Water for Agriculture. Identifying alternative water management options and optimised management of water portfolios to enhance agricultural productivity and underpin the economic and social well-being or regional and remote communities.
- Water for Mining. Identifying water supply and waste management options to support a sustainable mining sector and dependent communities.
- Climate Resilience. Developing climate resilient solutions for each of the preceding four Priority Impact Areas.
Through establishing a large and diverse research portfolio and successfully delivering projects under these five Priority Impact Areas, the Goyder Institute will continue to build its collaborative research model by enabling new project partners, and building capacity and capability in its research partners and end-users. Consequently, the Institute will be recognised nationally as a trusted source for undertaking independent and impactful water-related research, leading to the establishment of a viable long-term operating model that will deliver a successful fourth term of the Institute.
The Goyder Institute thanks its research partners for their involvement in the development of this Strategic Plan and looks for to its successful implementation for all parties through to the Plan’s conclusion in 2023.