Introducing the Goyder Institute’s 2023-2026 Strategic Plan

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new strategic plan, designed to provide a clear direction and framework for navigating an evolving water landscape. 

Led by Institute Interim Director Alec Rolston, we consulted widely with our partners, including holding two workshops where we discussed how to best continue to create meaningful impacts whilst building capacity to tackle the challenges that lie ahead. 

Feedback from the workshops was presented at a joint Institute Management Board and Research Advisory Committee workshop and the result is a refreshed strategic plan which will guide Institute’s activities over the next three years.

The plan includes a slight revision to our priority impact areas which are now:

  • Water for people – progress integrated water management solutions to provide safe, reliable and affordable water for urban, regional and remote communities and deliver cultural and social benefits.
  • Water for the environment – restore and protect water dependant ecosystems and ecological assets to maintain biodiversity and support health and well-being of communities.
  • Water for industry – provide sustainable water solutions to industries such as agriculture, mining, energy and green hydrogen and supports sustainable economic growth for communities (previously water for agriculture and water for mining).
  • Climate adaptation – guide action on climate adaptation and resilience for water for people, environment and industry. (previously climate resilience

These updated priorities reflect the areas our partners consider to be the most pressing and acknowledge the current challenges regarding supporting emerging green industries and adapting to an already changing climate. 

It also includes short- and long-term goals for the Institute, how we will learn from our partners, including our First Nations partners, and how we will continue to explore new ways of collaboration. You can read more about the Institute’s direction in the 2023-26 Strategic Plan online.

Tags: Goyder Institute News

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