ANNOUNCEMENT: Goyder Institute partners establish the third term of the Institute

This week the Goyder Institute for Water Research partners established the third term of the Institute for 2020–2023. The Institute partners, the South Australian Government through the Department for Environment and Water; CSIRO; Flinders University; The University of Adelaide, and the University of South Australia agreed to continue with the valuable collaboration that has provided significant benefits to water management in South Australia and Australia.

“The great strength of the Goyder Institute over its 10 years of existence has been the strengthening of collaboration of state government, our three SA universities and CSIRO. By combining resources and expertise, more has been achieved than could ever have been achieved by the institutions working separately. It has been an outstanding example of the power of synergy,” said the Hon John Hill, Chairperson of the Goyder Institute’s Management Board.

The Goyder Institute for Water Research was established in 2010. Its partners, and its associates SA Water, the South Australian Research and Development Institute, and the National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training, have collaborated on more than 60 complex research projects across urban water, outback water for mining and communities, water for agriculture, environmental water, climate change and healthy ecosystems research areas. The Institute has achieved important economic, social and environment outcomes for South Australia and Institute partners by providing high-quality research and advice to underpin priority water policies of the South Australian Government.

During its third-term, the Institute will continue to provide value to all partners and South Australia by providing a mechanism for decision-makers and researchers to collaboratively develop and adopt knowledge to support priority water management issues for state, national and international governments and industries. This role has been highly successful during a recent trial phase, with new research investment valued at approximately $10 million established by the Institute to address priority issues of the state.

“It is rare that institutions created and funded by government outlive government funding. The Goyder Institute is the exception – all of the partners, including government, are committed to Goyder’s growth and success – because all partners understand that by working together better research will happen, which will strengthen policy making by government and improve investment by industry,” the Hon John Hill said.

The Goyder Institute’s research and development plan outlines its activities for 2020 and it is pursuing several opportunities for its third term, including:
• a program to support the restoration of wetlands of the Murray-Darling Basin
• the ONE Basin Cooperative Research Centre, a Murray-Darling Basin Research Consortium
• urban water management practices for the protection of coastal waters
• climate adaptation to water planning within South Australia
• research projects with international partners that have been identified as part of International Trade Mission’s with the State Government.

“The important thing about the research done by Goyder Institute is that it is demand driven – meaning it is research for a purpose,” said the Hon John Hill.

Future articles will provide further details on opportunities being pursued by the Institute. Please contact Goyder Institute Director Dr Kane Aldridge to discuss opportunities for collaboration and interdisciplinary research as the Institute heads into its third term.

Tags: Goyder Institute News

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