The Goyder Institute for Water Research is delighted to welcome Professor Barry T Hart (AM) as its new Independent Chair. Prof Hart, an Emeritus Professor at Monash University, has extensive experience in the water resources sector throughout Australia and around the world. He has established a national and international reputation in the fields of natural resources decision-making (water quality and catchment management, environmental flows, water policy), ecological risk assessment and environmental chemistry. Prof Hart was a Board member of the Murray–Darling Basin Authority for nine years, has chaired many scientific advisory committees, and has undertaken a number of independent scientific and technical reviews. His latest book is The Murray-Darling Basin, Australia: Its Future Management (Eds. Hart, Bond, Byron, Pollino and Stewardson, Elsevier Publishers). You can read more about his career here.
The Institute’s Management Board and staff are thrilled to have Prof Hart join the Institute as we move into its third-term, taking learnings from Barry’s extensive experience and expertise in building new research partnerships with all levels of government and industry across Australia and beyond.
Prof Hart indicated his delight at being able to contribute to the further development of the Goyder Institute and its partners in collaboratively addressing complex water management challenges for South Australia and beyond. He said: ‘the Goyder Institute is unique in its collaborative research model and I am delighted to be able to assist in further building the Institute’s profile’.
Professor Bronwyn Gillanders (University of Adelaide) and Dr Carmel Pollino (CSIRO) have also joined the Institute as members of our Management Board, along with the new faces on our Research Advisory Committee – Tanya Doody (CSIRO), Lin Crase (UniSA), Paul Monis (SA Water), Andrew Solomon (EPA), Ilka Wallis (Flinders University) and Chris Wright (DEW). We look forward to their invaluable contributions as we move into 2021.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our outgoing Chair and Management Board and Research Advisory Committee representatives for their service and collaborative contributions to the Institute and wish them well for the future. This includes Dr Paul Bertsch (CSIRO), Jo Collins (PIRSA), Darryl Day (ICE WaRM), Jacqueline Frizenschaf (SA Water), Prof Megan Lewis (University of Adelaide), Dr Dirk Mallants (CSIRO), Hon. Karlene Maywald (ICE WaRM), Warwick McDonald (CSIRO), Prof Laura Parry (University of Adelaide), Prof Chris Saint (UniSA), Prof Craig Simmons (Flinders University) and Prof Peter Teasdale (UniSA).
We would like to particularly acknowledge the critical contributions of Hon John Hill and Neil Power to the Institute. John’s astute and entrusted role as Chair facilitated the transition to our third-term and has positioned us well to keep addressing the State’s water management challenges. Neil has been central to the Institute’s activities since its inception in his role as State Research Coordinator, where he has facilitated identifying priority research questions and the uptake of knowledge into water policies for the South Australian Government.