The CLLMM Research Centre’s science program is now in full swing, with 25 projects underway across a broad range of areas. Scientists, First Nations, and the community are working together on multiple projects across the region, including Citizen Science projects where the community is playing a critical role in the collection of field data and monitoring.

Dr Nick Whiterod, the CLLMM Research Centre’s Science Program Manager, said, ‘It’s exciting to see how passionate and involved the community is, working alongside our scientists, government agencies and First Nations to better understand the region and its diverse ecology.’ Nick welcomed people to attend the last two events of the Summer Series of Science: on 24th January, hear from senior Ngarrindjeri man Lawrie Agius, community living legend Gloria Jones and SA Water Ambassador Karlene Maywald, about local water and sustainable practices.
Join the Community Science Showcase on 7th February to learn more from the region’s Landscape Boards, Community Groups and Research Organisations on how community members can actively participate in the projects and the Centre. Register today to join in the Summer Series of Science fun!
Want to know more about the Science Program?
The list of active research projects can be found below. More information on each project can be found in the Research Plan or by visiting the CLLMM Research Centre website.
Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth Research Centre Active Research Project List |
Foundational iconic species of the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth (CLLMM) |
Identification of waterbird research priorities for the CLLMM region |
Establishing First Nations knowledge and research priorities |
Horizon scanning for emerging research topics across the CLLMM region |
Blue and teal carbon potential in the CLLMM |
Reconnecting the waters: Exploring barrage transparency as a mechanism to improve ecosystem health and climate resilience of the CLLMM region |
Assessing the climate impacts on ecosystem services of the CLLMM |
Enhancing the predictive modelling platform and scenarios to guide climate adaptation strategies |
Community adaptation to worsening droughts and floods in the CLLMM |
Understanding and enumerating water management options at the margin: a blueprint for achieving optimal outcomes in the CLLMM |
Coastal beach-dune dynamics and management in the CLLMM under future climate change |
Evaluation of ecosystem responses and local knowledge to improve future CLLMM landscape revegetation |
Conserving waterbird populations of the CLLMM and broader landscape under climate change |
Muscles in the mud: engaging community power to monitor Lokeri (floodplain mussel) in the Lower Lakes |
Navigating a future for threatened freshwater fish in the CLLMM region in the face of environmental change |
Ocean beach ecology and threats: a stakeholder perspective |
Hydrology of freshwater soaks on the Younghusband Peninsula in a changing climate |
Immersive experience as a platform to convey changes across the region |
The Ramsar Convention in the face of climate change: just how safe is the Coorong and Lakes Alexandrina and Albert Ramsar Wetland? (Honours Research Project) |
Movement ecology of Chestnut Teal in the Coorong and Murray Lower Lakes, South Australia (Honours Research Project) |
Investigating the role of communities of prokaryotes and eukaryotes contributing to the microbiome of Ruppia (Honours Research Project) |
Drought & flood phytoplankton (Honours Research Project) |
Unmasking the impacts and consequences of environmental change on partially migrating fish populations (Honours Research Project) |
Investigation into the outbreak of avian cholera in the Coorong (Honours Research Project) |
Impact of drought and flood events on phytoplankton communities in the Coorong (Honours Research Project) |
Top Feature Image: Science Program Manager Nick Whiterod and project team member Dr Kerri Muller showing visiting professor Benjamin Burkhard (Leibniz Universität Hannover) and his wife Dr Kremena Buckhard (Ludwig-Franzius-Institute for Hydraulic, Estuarine and Coastal Engineering) around the region earlier in the month. Benjamin is assisting the ‘Community adaptation to worsening droughts and floods in the CLLMM’ led by Professor Neville Crossman (Flinders University) and including Kerri.