Goyder Institute partners in the ONE Basin CRC rebid

The Goyder Institute is partnering in the rebid for the ONE Basin Cooperative Research Centre (CRC), which will address one of Australia’s most complex water challenges. ONE Basin will support resilient communities in the Murray-Darling Basin by, for the first time, creating innovations at the nexus of agriculture, water, energy and environmental systems.

It provides an exciting opportunity for the Goyder Institute to address its Water for Agriculture Impact Area outlined in the Strategic Plan, 2020-2023 and also contribute to the Climate Resilience Impact Area. Water for Agriculture aims to identify alternative water management options and optimised management of water portfolios to enhance agricultural productivity and underpin the economic and social well-being of regional and remote communities.

The ONE Basin CRC will develop policy, technical and financial solutions to support and reduce exposure to climate, water and environmental threats in the Murray-Darling Basin. It will deliver substantial economic benefit, as well as significant positive environmental and social outcomes, by providing the knowledge base, leadership, skills and adaptation pathways for a changing future.

The rebid will build on the strong submission in 2020, which was shortlisted but unsuccessful in the final round. This was a tremendous effort given the competitiveness the national CRC program that spans all industries and research fields, and reflected the strong partnership that had developed during the bid process. The bid team have been working collaboratively to address the feedback provided during the last round, which will ultimately improve the outcomes of the ONE Basin CRC should the rebid be successful.

If funded, the ONE Basin CRC will bring together diverse Murray-Darling Basin stakeholders who seek a collaborative approach to adapt to future challenges in the basin beyond. The bid includes over 60 partners from across the basin, which importantly, includes a mix of leading industry, business, government and research organsiations and communities that will be necessary to achieve the objectives of the ONE Basin CRC. There has never been such a partnership assembled to address the future of the basin. It will provide for collaborative research and innovation system through:

  • Place-based regional research partnerships;
  • Cross-industry collaboration;
  • First Nations participation and engagement;
  • Multi-government partnership; and
  • Technology integration.

This will provide a mechanism for the Institute to further its goal of building on its collaborative model through the establishment of new project partners and through exploring opportunities for new partnerships with industry. The Goyder Institute is among eight Tier 1 partners with the Institute’s partners, the South Australian Department for Environment and Water, the University of Adelaide, Flinders University, CSIRO and the South Australian Research and Development Institute also partnering in the ONE Basin CRC, along with the SA Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA).

The ONE Basin CRC Stage 1 proposal was submitted on 24 August 2021. Should it be successful, a stage 2 application will be submitted in February 2022, with outcomes announced in May 2022 and funding to start during the second half of 2022.

You can visit onebasin.com.au for more information or contact Goyder Institute Director Dr Kane Aldridge to discuss the ONE Basin CRC research program and partnership opportunities.


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