Goyder Institute unveils new branding

The start of the new financial year provides opportunity for renewal, and the Goyder Institute is delighted to introduce its new branding. While our overall logo remains unchanged, the Institute is introducing a new ‘Icons’ branding which will feature across all new communications, publications and research outputs for the remainder of the Institute’s third term to 2023.

The line represents the South Australian section of the River Murray running from Morgan on the right-hand side to the entry into Lake Alexandrina on the left-hand side. The river line interlinks each of the Institutes five new Icons, representing the five Priority Impact Areas for research identified in the Institute’s newly launched Strategic Plan for 2020-2023 (which also features in this June 2021 eNews):

The integrated delivery of the Institute’s research across each of the five Priority Impact Areas aligns to key policies such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the National Water Initiative, the Murray-Darling Basin Plan and the South Australian Climate Change Action Plan.

For further information on each of the five Priority Impact Areas as well as other core components for research delivery through the Goyder Institute, please take a look at our new Strategic Plan 2020-2023, available online.

Tags: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Department for Environment and Water (DEW) Flinders University Goyder Institute News University of Adelaide University of South Australia

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