The Goyder Institute for Water Research is delighted to welcome Dr Alec Rolston to the team as Research Program Manager. Dr Rolston will be overseeing the Goyder Institute’s research projects of the Healthy Coorong, Healthy Basin program. Alec’s role will include ensuring the Goyder Institute research program is delivered effectively, managing the extensive partnerships and facilitating the uptake of research into management decisions. You can read more about the Healthy Coorong, Healthy Basin program here.
Dr Rolston joins us from An Fóram Uisce|The Water Forum, Ireland’s only statutory stakeholder body charged with providing national-level guidance on river basin management planning and water and wastewater services delivery. In this role as Research Lead, Dr Rolston made sure that guidance from the Forum to the Minister was supported by the best available science and knowledge. Prior to this role he was Principal Investigator, Centre for Freshwater and Environmental Studies, at Dundalk Institute of Technology, with research projects spanning integrated water resource management, integrated catchment management, and wetland ecology conservation and management as well as drinking water source protection. Dr Rolston was also a Project Manager for the MANTEL Innovative Training Network, an EU Marie Sklodowska-Curie €3.5 million project investigating the impact of extreme climate events on lakes and reservoirs throughout Europe and training early career researchers.
Alec is no stranger to the Coorong, having worked with Flinders University in a post-doctoral position through the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth (CLLAMM) Ecology Research Cluster. After his post-doc he joined the now Department for Environment and Water where he managed monitoring and research activities across the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth region.
We’re excited to be welcoming Alec back to Adelaide and Coorong-related research and have no doubt the Institute will benefit from his considerable expertise.
You can contact Alec at alec.rolston@goyderinstitute.org, 08 8313 5282 or follow him @TugofWater