In 2021, Goyder Institute staff ran and walked a total of 151km as part of the Thirst Foundation’s Sweat4Soap campaign led by ultra-marathon runner and water activist Mina Guli. For every kilometre covered, one bar of soap is donated to communities in desperate need of improving their Water, Sanitation and Hygiene. In 2021, participants from 132 countries came together to donate a total of 282,545 bars of soap. This year, the target is to reach 1,000,000 bars of soap between 10-16 October.
Goyder Institute Research Program Manager, Dr Alec Rolston, said “Last year, our Institute team covered great ground to donate 151 bars of soap, but this year our aim is to beat that total,” he said. “Amongst our partners and research teams, we have the opportunity to really make a difference to the lives of those across the world who have limited access to water, sanitation and hygiene.”
Institute Director, Dr Kane Aldridge said “Sweat4Soap is a great initiative to help communities in need across the world, and it’s easy to contribute while improving our own health and well-being at the same time,” he said. “We invite anyone interested in participating to sign up for the campaign and register as a Goyder Institute for Water Research team member and hopefully we can improve on our contribution from last year, maybe even reaching beyond our 2022 target of 200 bars of soap.”
In order to register, sign up at minaguli.com/sweat4soap and include the Goyder Institute for Water Research as the running group name. Then email how many kilometres you have committed to run or walk to alec.rolston@goyderinstitute.org so we can keep a record of our totals and report our progress during the course of the week.