The Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth (CLLMM) Research Centre would like to invite community members to the official launch on 3 February 2024 from 1-4pm.
The Research Centre entered its establishment phase in July 2023, and moved into their new location at Level 1, 92-94 Barrage Road, Goolwa at the start of the year.
The Research Centre is a regionally-based research collaboration, providing opportunity for increased involvement of First Nations and community in the design, delivery and dissemination of knowledge to inform decision making of the region.
The CLLMM Research Centre was first announced in October 2022 by the Federal Minister for the Environment and Water, the Honourable Tanya Plibersek, following the advocacy of Rebekha Sharkie MP and the local community. The Goyder Institute for Water Research will receive $8 million from the Australian Government over 4 years from 2023-26 to fund to work with communities to investigate the impacts of climate change on the CLLMM region.
Dr Tiffany Nay, the Communications and Engagement Coordinator at the CLLMM Research Centre, said, “this is such an exciting time for us and the community as we can work together to tackle future issues that will challenge the region.
“We want to make sure First Nations and community values are captured, and reflected in our research priorities and engagement activities.”
This value capturing process has already begun with several community workshops and the launch of a community survey, which can be found at
In addition to community events and workshops at the CLLMM Research Centre, this year will bring a schools education program into action, which will engage students and schools in the region.
Launch activities include an official opening with support of Rebekha Sharkie MP at 1pm.
Following the opening, activities include: Ngarrindjeri cultural education activities for all ages, fish surveys at 2pm and 3pm, an immersive augmented reality sandbox experience, and an opportunity to meet some of the scientists working in the CLLMM region.
Scientists will be showcasing research topics such as waterbirds and native fish of the region, macroinvertebrates and the health of the Coorong.
The launch will take place on 3 February from 1pm to 4pm at Level 1, 92-94 Barrage Road, Goolwa. All community is welcome.
Media contact
Dr Tiffany Nay, Communications and Engagement Coordinator, CLLMM Research Centre
Phone: 0467 242 900 | Email: |