ONE Basin CRC bid continues to take shape to address the needs of basin governments, industries and communities

Consultation has been continuing throughout the Murray Darling Basin and beyond to refine the ONE Basin CRC bid due to be submitted in July 2020. The latest information on the bid can be found on the updated website and in the updated prospectus. Stay up to date with the latest information by registering here.

The ONE Basin CRC is focused on connecting communities, industry and researchers to manage climate and water risks in the Murray Darling Basin. Current research partners alongside the Goyder Institute for Water Research include the University of Melbourne, University of Southern Queensland, Australian National University, Charles Sturt University and the Bureau of Meteorology, Australian Government. Research partners have been consulting broadly with government and industry partners to shape the bid with broad support for the value of the ONE Basin CRC.

The ONE Basin CRC vision is for a resilient and sustainable Murray-Darling Basin, powered by a strong innovation capacity that supports rural communities, businesses and water managers to adapt and thrive with changing global drivers. It will have three interlinked programs to tackle major basin challenges: Basin Foresight Program, Adaptation Solutions Program, and the Water Solutions Program, along with training and education programs. These will be driven by the needs of industry, governments and communities with five Regional Hubs being the focal points for place-based research and development, and associated demonstration, evaluation, adaptation and education and training activities.

The Goyder Institute already has several recent research projects within the Murray Darling Basin that align with these proposed CRC programs, including:
• Ecological connectivity of the River Murray: managing ecological outcomes and water quality risks through integrated river management
• Translating Ngarrindjeri Yannarumi into water resource risk assessments
• Priority investigations to restore the ecological character of the South Lagoon of the Coorong.

Partners can join the ONE Basin CRC bid at any time during the bid phase but we’re encouraging Australian (business, industry, government and community) partners and international organisations to participate early in the bid phase to influence and drive the bid strategy and content; and to optimise the opportunity to leverage partner contributions with requested grant funding.

Please contact Goyder Institute Director Dr Kane Aldridge if you’d like more information about the program and partnership opportunities or visit


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