Carbon Offsets Research to Support the State Carbon Sequestration Strategy

Project Partners: University of South Australia and The University of Adelaide



Project Overview

In 2020, the South Australian Government, led by the Department for Environment and Water (DEW) and the Low Carbon Economy Unit (LCEU) of the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) developed a State Carbon Sequestration Strategy to identify the carbon sequestration opportunities that could be pursued to achieve South Australia’s (SA’s) goals of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and realising the economic and enhanced adaptive capacity benefits from strong and timely action on climate change. This work has informed the Strategy and has also identified potential carbon sequestration and emissions abatement offsets to realise the commitment for the City of Adelaide to be the world’s first carbon neutral city.

Progress Update and Key Findings

The Goyder Institute Strategic Research Plan 2015-2019 identifies the following knowledge gaps that are of relevance to Carbon Sequestration in SA:

  • Evaluation of the opportunities for carbon sequestration through soil and vegetation within South Australia.
  • Development of tools and information to support assessment of the optimum mix of carbon offsets achievable.
  • The potential for carbon offsets from coastal environments: Understanding the value of coastal environments as carbon sinks, including the opportunities from, and needs of, on-shore and near-shore coastal vegetation management and restoration of seagrass meadows. 

Project Impacts

The research project has provided outcomes that support the assessment of land-sector or coastal-zone carbon sequestration and emissions abatement opportunities in South Australia.

Project News