Monitoring and evaluation activities within the South Australian portion of the River Murray in relation to priority environmental assets

Project Partners: The University of Adelaide



Project Overview

The long term deterioration of the Murray–Darling Basin (MDB) ecology has led to the development and implementation of the Basin Plan, an adaptive framework developed under the Water Act 2007 and enforced by all relevant jurisdictions. To assist with Basin-wide planning of environmental water provisions, South Australia is required to develop Long Term-Watering plans (LTWPs). These LTWPs will identify priority environmental assets and associated ecological objectives and targets and environmental water requirements (EWRs). As described by the Basin Plan, the Basin States are required to evaluate and report on:

  • The achievement of environmental outcomes at an asset scale (5 yearly reporting) (Schedule 12, Matter 8), and
  • The identification of environmental water and the monitoring of its use (annual reporting) (Schedule 12, Matter 9).

To assist the South Australian Government Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWNR) in planning for evaluating and reporting on Matter 8, this project, funded via the Goyder Institute, develops an inventory of current monitoring and evaluation activities associated with the South Australian portion of the River Murray. 

Progress Update and Key Findings

This project assisted with making decisions about priority monitoring and evaluation activities for Matter 8 by:

  1. Aligning past and present monitoring with the draft LTWP ecological objectives and targets for the Main River Channel and The Floodplain priority environmental assets;
  2. Proposing a possible approach to prioritise the monitoring of variables.

Project Impacts

This project included the collation of monitoring information in relation to the Lower River Murray and Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth area. This information will be further developed into an adaptive management tool that will assist with decision making around the delivery of environmental water and will assist South Australia in meeting its statutory obligations in relation to monitoring and evaluation under the Basin Plan.

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