SDL Adjustment Technical Panel

Project Partners: SARDI and The University of Adelaide



Project Overview

This project established a technical panel to provide targeted science advice to DEWNR at key intervals in the process of developing SDL adjustment assessment guidelines and SDL supply measures adjustment methods.

Progress Update and Key Findings

Key objectives of this project included:

  • Provision of scientific advice on Assessment Guidelines including advice on assessing potential ecological risks including those relating to artificial watering;
  • Provision of initial scientific advice on concepts, issues and proposals relating to the development of a method for assessing equivalent environmental outcomes (ecological elements method) and other relevant aspects of the SDL ‘supply measure’ adjustment method;
  • Review of key draft reports and provision of scientific advice on draft SDL ‘supply measure’ adjustment method development, in particular:
  1. preference curves and metrics for weighting environmental significance;
  2. development and application of scoring for environmental significance, including how to combine flow event frequency and dry spell measures;
  3. combining scores for each flow event target to achieve a reach score and a score for a region; and/or
  4. application to different Basin environments.

Project Impacts

This project provided scientific knowledge to support DEWNR’s ecological objectives for the River Murray, swtrengthened leadership capacity in South Australia which informed integrated water management of the River Murray and brought together team members from three research organisations to assist DEWNR with high level scientific advice which benefit SA’s management of the River Murray ecology.

There were no reports produced from this project as it was scientific input into a CSIRO report “SDL Adjustment Ecological Elements Method – Final Report” by Overton et al. (for the MDBA).

Research Outputs

No Available Content

Project News