G-FLOWS Stage 3: Hydrogeological conceptual understanding of the APY Lands groundwater system including the Lindsay East Palaeovalley
G-FLOWS Stage 3: Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands Drilling Program, north-western South Australia
Characterisation of a palaeovalley system in Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands of South Australia using ground-based hydrogeophysical methods
Sustainable expansion of irrigated agriculture and horticulture in Northern Adelaide Corridor: Task 5 – summary report.
Sustainable expansion of irrigated agriculture and horticulture in Northern Adelaide Corridor: Task 4 – assessment of depth to groundwater (proof of concept)
Sustainable Expansion of Irrigated Agriculture and Horticulture in Northern Adelaide Corridor: Task 3 – source water options; water availability, quality and storage considerations
Sustainable expansion of irrigated agriculture and horticulture in Northern Adelaide Corridor: Task 2 – modelling nutrient and chemical fate to support the long-term sustainability of the use of recycled water
Distribution and seasonality of the Ruppia dominated aquatic macrophyte community and filamentous algae in the southern Coorong