Running for World Wetlands Day (2 February 2022)

To celebrate World Wetlands Day (2 February 2022) and to help raise awareness of the critical importance of our global wetlands, the Goyder Institute has signed up to take part in the World Wetlands Run between 2-5 February.

In a previous event in 2021, Sweat4Soap, #TeamGoyder covered over 150km in one week to raise awareness of Water, Sanitation and Hygeine issues and to achieve 150 donations of bars of soap to communities in need.

Wetlands are vital habitats, providing a number of essential services such as water purification, flood protection, habitat for plants and animals, nutrient cycling and carbon storage, as well as supporting fisheries and opportunities for recreation. The total economic value of global wetlands has been estimated at US3.4 billion per year.

With the global biodiversity crisis ongoing, and having lost over 1/3 of the world’s wetlands since 1970, the World Wetlands Run provides an opportunity to showcase the importance of our wetlands and the critical services that they provide.

Given our current research program, and previous research that the Goyder Institute has delivered across many facets of wetland ecology and function, this initiative links strongly to the Institute’s aims. In collaboration with our partners at the Department for Environment and Water, #TeamGoyder is aiming to cover over 190km over the four days of the World Wetland Run.

If you would like to take part and join #TeamGoyder, you can sign up for free at where you can pledge to run or walk as far as you think you can manage.

Tags: Department for Environment and Water (DEW) Goyder Institute News Ramsar Convention Water for the Environment Wetlands

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