We are saddened by the news that Professor Peter Teasdale, UniSA, died suddenly on 7 August 2020. We send our love and sympathies to his wife Bern, daughters Nat and Katelyn, and all of his colleagues at UniSA across the water sector. Peter held many roles at UniSA including Director of the Natural and Built Environments Research Centre, Head of the School of Natural and Built Environments and Professor of Environmental Sciences and Professorial Lead within UniSA STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics).
Peter has been a critical contributor to the Institute through his work as UniSA’s representative on our Research Advisory Committee (RAC) and on our Urban Water and Healthy Coorong Healthy Basin project teams. Peter was wonderful to work with and extremely collaborative and generous with sharing his knowledge and insights with all of us at the Institute. He was a strong supporter of the Institute and valued working on important collaborative projects with state and interstate colleagues from our partners and affiliates – his project teams always very much enjoyed and appreciated his involvement.
His contribution to environmental chemistry and water research spanned more than 25 years beginning with a Bachelor of Science with Honours degree and PhD from the University of Wollongong. He also worked at CSIRO, Lancaster University and Griffith University and was recognised as a Fellow of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute and awarded the 2011 Lloyd Smythe medal in Analytical Chemistry.
Peter’s colleagues at UniSA acknowledge him as a warm, generous and ingenious colleague and a kind and loving family man. He was passionate about supporting research students and early career researchers and there is no doubt their success will form a significant part of his legacy.