Welcome to new board member Dr Chris Chilcott, CSIRO

Dr Chris Chilcott is replacing Dr Carmel Pollino on the Goyder Management Board representing CSIRO.

Chris is the Deputy Director of CSIRO Environment and leads CSIRO’s work on developing Northern Australia. CSIRO Environment delivers impact-driven science to address environmental challenges such as climate change, extreme events, resource sustainability, and legacy impacts. With over 700 staff, it hosts Australia’s national capability for observing and modelling the atmosphere and oceans, advancing earth system models, and supporting climate change adaptation and emission reduction.

Chris’ most recent research has focused on identifying the scale and location of opportunities for developing Northern Australia including work relating to water resource assessments, transport logistics and biosecurity.

Chris has professional experience in animal industries, pastoral production and rangeland management. Chris has a PhD in ecology and a Bachelor of Science. He is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and is currently a non-executive Director and Chair of RSPCA Northern Territory, and has representative roles with Australian Climate Services, and the Reef and Rainforest Research Centre Board.


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