CLLMM Research Centre Summer of Science 

A Summer Series of Science kicks off at the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth (CLLMM) Research Centre on 29th November. The CLLMM Research Centre is thrilled to present an engaging series of 5 events for the community this Summer. With Q & A panel discussions, an incredible Spot Light Speaker (Tim Jarvis AM), a science […]

Northern Waters Supply Project 

Potential Impacts of reducing groundwater abstraction from the Southwestern Great Artesian Basin: Modelled Aquifer Pressure and Spring Flow Response The Goyder Institute for Water Research has conducted a Northern Waters Supply project that has completed a gap analysis and conducted modelling scenarios to assess the effects of reduced water extractions on aquifer pressure in the Great […]


One Basin CRC – Opportunities and challenges identifying, sourcing and treating brackish groundwater The One Basin Cooperative Research Centre (One Basin CRC) is investigating the feasibility of desalinating brackish groundwater for agriculture in the Murray-Darling Basin. This project seeks to improve understanding of the potential use of brackish water within the Murray-Darling Basin. There is […]


One Basin CRC – PhD Opportunities Are you a student looking for an outstanding PhD opportunity with strong industry links and career opportunities at an equivalent graduate level salary? Are you an industry professional who is open to undertaking a PhD project while retaining employment and salary benefits? The One Basin Cooperative Research Centre (One […]

Ecohydrological Models for the Northern Eyre, Braemer and Stuart Shelf Regions Webinar

Ecohydrological Models for the Northern Eyre, Braemer and Stuart Shelf Regions Webinar Our Ecohydrological Conceptual Models for the Northern Eyre, Braemer and Stuart Shelf Regions project, led by Dr Luk Peeters from CSIRO, hosted an informative webinar showcasing the final results of the project which is funded by the South Australian Departments for Environment and […]

CLLMM Research Centre News

Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth Research Centre News Stay informed with the latest updates from the CLLMM Research Centre in our September Newsletter. Inside this issue: Sea Country Exhibition, Science Program Underway, Meet our RCAF Member, Upcoming Events, Community Engagement recap and What’s On in the CLLMM Region.Read more… If you’d like to subscribe […]

CLLMM Research Centre Welcomes New Team Member

CLLMM Research Centre Welcomes New Team Member The Goyder Institute for Water Research is excited to welcome Sue Ellison, who will be stepping in for Tiffany Nay, our Communications and Engagement Officer, as Tiffany prepares for extended leave later this year. Sue is thrilled to return to Goolwa, a place close to her heart where […]

Goyder Institute attends World Water Week in Stockholm

World Water Week Our Goyder Institute for Water Research Director, Alec Rolston, has been attending World Water Week in Stockholm from 25-30 August. This year’s theme is centred around water for cooperation and peace through Bridging Borders: Water for a Peaceful and Sustainable Future, recognising the regional and global connectivity of communities and nations. World […]

Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth (CLLMM) Research Centre Year One Progress Report Endorsed

Following our commitment to the Australian Government, the CLLMM Research Centre is bringing together First Nations, local communities, management agencies, and scientists to deepen our understanding of climate change in the CLLMM region. As we ramp up our engagement and research activities, we are excited to launch our education and research programs. Our public reporting […]