Supporting climate change resilience in the Coorong

The Millennium Drought (1996-2010) had a devastating environmental, economic, social and cultural impact throughout the Murray-Darling Basin. The Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth (CLLMM) region, situated at the end of the Basin, was no exception. Despite increased flows returning to the CLLMM since the end of the drought, parts of the region, in particular […]

New website goes live

The Goyder Institute for Water Research launched its new website this week. The website redesign project was initiated to improve the user experience for our stakeholders and align the Institute’s resources to its research impact areas: The website’s improved search capability and clean, mobile-friendly design will make it easier for our readers to find the […]

Institute research on show at Healthy Coorong Healthy Basin Science Forum

On 16 May 2023, scientists from the Goyder Institute for Water Research presented their research findings from the Healthy Coorong, Healthy Basin (HCHB) Scientific Trials and Investigations project at South Australian Government’s HCHB Community Science Forum in Goolwa. The Scientific Trials and Investigations research project is part of the Department for Environment and Water’s Healthy […]

Goyder Institute takes home back-to-back national R&D excellence awards

The Goyder Institute for Water Research has won the Australian Water Association National R&D Excellence Award for the second year running. Announced at the OZ’Water 2023 gala dinner in Sydney on 11 May, the award was accepted by Interim Director Dr Alec Rolston for the Institute’s Healthy Coorong, Healthy Basin (HCHB) Research Program. “I am […]

Increased flushing vital to Coorong’s long-term health

A new study from Goyder Institute scientists has found that extremely high levels of salt and nutrients in the Coorong, an internationally important South Australian estuary at the end of the River Murray, is causing serious ecological harm. The researchers analysed more than 20 years of environmental data – from 1998 to 2021 – to […]

Ruppia restoration strategy released for southern Coorong

The Goyder Institute for Water Research has released a restoration strategy for the Ruppiacommunity of the Southern Coorong as part of the Healthy Coorong, Healthy Basin (HCHB) program,which is jointly funded by the Australian and South Australian governments.Large-scale losses of the Ruppia community throughout the Millennium Drought and the impact offilamentous algal growth are exacerbating […]

Institute scientists head to River Murray to study environmental impacts of flood

The Goyder Institute and Department for Environment and Water have launched a series of research projects to determine how South Australian River Murray environments are responding to the 2022-2023 high flow event. The projects will fill knowledge gaps to inform the future management of riverine, floodplain and wetland habitats. “The flood has created some difficult […]

Institute embarks on a strategic planning refresh

Following on from the Goyder Institute’s partners agreeing to extend the Institute’s third term from July 2023 to June 2026, we have initiated a process to ‘refresh’ our current strategic plan to ensure it is fit for purpose for the extended term. Undertaking this refresh has provided the opportunity to engage representatives from our partners (the South Australian Government […]

Team Goyder is off and running again for World Water Day

Following our participation in Sweat4Soap and the World Wetlands Run over the past two years, #TeamGoyder will be celebrating World Water Day on 22 March 2023 by taking part in #WorldWaterRun week. And yes, we may be a little crazy, but what better way to celebrate the value of water than getting out and about for some exercise! The theme for […]