Chair Prof Barry Hart releases Institute’s 2022 Annual Report

I’m delighted to share our 2022 Annual Report, outlining our achievements for what has been another significant year.

This year, we successfully delivered the Healthy Coorong, Healthy Basin (HCHB) research program and the water resource rating, outback water and urban stormwater projects. We were also recognised nationally for outstanding research during our second term, with the Australian Water Association’s national R&D excellence award.

Pleasingly, the collaborative One Basin CRC bid, which we have played a leading role in, was successful and we’re now working closely with the CRC to establish a R&D program to develop policy, technical and financial solutions to support and reduce exposure to climate, water and environmental threats in the Murray-Darling Basin.

Another new research project, Adaptation of the South-Eastern drainage system, recently got underway, continuing our longstanding involvement in supporting water management in the Limestone Coast region. The recent announcement of the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth Research Hub has capped off the year nicely. The Hub will bring together First Nations, local communities, governments and scientists to develop critical knowledge and support the health of the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth region.

I’d like to thank everyone who has contributed to our success this year, particularly the Institute’s Board, Research Advisory Committee and Director, Dr Kane Aldridge.

Kane will be taking up a new position with Watertrust Australia from January 2023 after leading the Institute for over 5 years. Under his stewardship, the Institute has:

  • successfully transformed its operating model, whereby the Institute brokers new opportunities, along with delivering its important R&D
  • negotiated the extension of the Institute from 2020 to 2023, with a recent agreement by our Partners to extend it again through to 2026
  • overseen the establishment and delivery of the HCHB research program, a major research initiative that has provided essential evidence to underpin management options to improve the condition of the southern Coorong
  • established itself as an important partner of the One Basin CRC, with funding for 10 years
  • gained agreement for the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth Research Hub
  • secured around $35 million in R&D funding to allow the Institute to continue to provide critical knowledge to support sustainable management of our water resources.

The Board and I thank Kane for his excellent leadership and wish him well in his new role.

As announced in October 2022, the Board unanimously endorsed Dr. Alec Rolston as Interim Director. Alec previously acted in the role for three months in 2021,  has been Deputy Director since October 2022 and has also shown his abilities by successfully delivering the large and pioneering HCHB research program. I am very much looking forward to working with Alec and the Goyder Institute team and partners in what will no doubt be another successful year in 2023.

Professor Barry T Hart (AM) 

Independent Chairperson 
Goyder Institute for Water Research


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