Goyder Institute extended to 2026

Goyder Institute for Water Research partners have agreed to extend the Institute’s third term from 1 July 2023 through to 30 June 2026.

The South Australian Government, through the Department for Environment and Water, CSIRO, Flinders University, The University of Adelaide, and the University of South Australia have all agreed to continue the valuable Goyder Institute partnership that has provided critical knowledge to inform water-related decision making and policy in South Australia and beyond. 

Professor Barry Hart, Independent Chair of the Goyder Institute said “The commitment of our research partners to extend the term of the Institute shows the high value placed on the Goyder Institute partnership. The next three years will prove to be very exciting, continuing the delivery of current projects and working hard to develop new collaborations and projects that will maximise the impact of the Institute.”

The Institute was established in 2010 and has collaborated on more than 72 complex research projects. It’s high-quality research and advice has underpinned priority water policies of the South Australian Government and improved the economic, social and environmental landscape for the Institute’s partners and South Australia as a whole.

“We’re delighted that we’re able to continue our work on the biggest challenges in water management and deepen collaborations with our partners even further,” said Goyder Institute Interim Director Dr Alec Rolston.

“The extension of the current term to June 2026 will enable us to continue our work with our current projects including the One Basin CRC and the South East climate adaptation research program, whose field program began late last year,” Dr Rolston said.

The Institute will also lead a new water research hub in the nationally and internationally important Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth region of South Australia. The $8 million Hub, announced by the Australian Government in October 2022, will build on the Institute’s award-winning research under the Healthy Coorong Healthy Basin program to help address the environmental, social and economic challenges that lie ahead for the region.

“Along with seeing our existing projects through to completion we’re excited for the opportunity to develop new collaborative initiatives through 2023 and beyond. We’ve already started the conversation around refreshing our strategic plan for the extended term and are looking forward to sharing our vision as we move through that process,” said Dr Rolston.

Please contact Goyder Institute Interim Director Dr Alec Rolston to discuss opportunities for collaboration and interdisciplinary research: director@goyderinstitute.org 


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