Institute embarks on a strategic planning refresh

Following on from the Goyder Institute’s partners agreeing to extend the Institute’s third term from July 2023 to June 2026, we have initiated a process to ‘refresh’ our current strategic plan to ensure it is fit for purpose for the extended term.

Undertaking this refresh has provided the opportunity to engage representatives from our partners (the South Australian Government through the Department for Environment and Water, CSIRO, Flinders University, the University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia) and affiliate partners (PIRSA/SARDI, SA Water and the SA Environmental Protection Authority).

An in-person workshop was held on 29 March, with our collaborators examining current and upcoming external influences driving the water agenda at State, national and international levels and identifying gaps and opportunities for the Goyder Institute in both the short- and longer-term. It also provided the opportunity for our partner and affiliate partner representatives to meet and discuss upcoming priorities around water research, facilitating knowledge exchange, discussion and collaboration – core principles of the Institute!

An online workshop will be held on 4 April 2023 for those unable to attend the first workshop, and the outputs from these two events will be synthesised for joint discussion by our Management Board and Research Advisory Committee.

It is intended that following approval at the next Management Board meeting in May, a ‘refreshed’ Strategic Plan will be published before 30 June 2023.

The next three years present an exciting period for the Institute as it builds on its reputation for delivering critical research and knowledge to address complex water issues.

If any partner/affiliate partner representatives wish to attend the online workshop on 4 April, please contact Institute Interim Director, Alec Rolston for further details:

Tags: Goyder Institute News

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