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Water Allocation Planning and Water Quality Improvement

Adelaide Plains Groundwater Model

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ELCOM Hydrodynamic Model

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HYDRUS 2D Model – Scott River Catchment

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Statistical Model for Flow and Constituent Transport in Onkaparinga Catchment

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Regional Climate Change Downscaling

Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM) Model

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Cox Creek Groundwater Model

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Generalized Linear Modelling of a Daily Climate Sequence (GLIMCLIM)

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Multi-Variate Non-homogeneous Hidden Markov Model (MVNHMM)

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Multivariate Daily Weather (non-rainfall) Generator

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Onkaparinga Runoff Model

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Source IMS v 3.5.0 –Cox Creek Catchment Model

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River Murray

Black Water Risk Assessment Tool – Chowilla

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Hydro-ecological Conceptual Model for Murray Darling Basin

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Lower River Murray Flood Response Model

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River Murray Floodplain Groundwater Model

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Water Sensitive Urban Design

Frederick Street Stormwater Runoff Model

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Paddocks Catchment Stormwater Runoff Model

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Water Resources Mix for Adelaide

Integrated Urban Water Management Model

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Parafield Stormwater Harvesting Runoff and Hazard Analysis Simulation Model

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PHREEQC Model for Water Quality Impacts on Infrastructure

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Water Community Resource Evaluation and Simulation System (WaterCress)

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Surface Water, Groundwater, Wetland Relationships

Phytoplankton Growth Dilution Model

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South-East Drain M Flow Forecasting Model

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South-East Drain M Source Model

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South-East Drain M Statistical Model

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South-East Regional Groundwater Flow Model

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South-East Regional Groundwater Flow Model – LEACHM Model

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South-East Wetlands Ecology Model

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South-East Wetlands-Groundwater Interaction Model

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