New Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth Research Centre has hit the ground running. 

Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth Research Centre

It has been a busy start to the latter half of 2023 as the Institute’s new Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth (CLLMM) Research Centre began its establishment phase on 1 July 2023. With the hiring of 4 new staff members, the Centre has hit the ground running with the start of several community and key party engagements.  

In early November, the Goyder Institute’s Director, Dr Alec Rolston, was invited by the Office of Rebekah Sharkie MP to present alongside the Deputy Inspector General – Capability, Bridgett Leopold, and community members at Langhorne Creek Bowling Club. Alec presented on the work of the Goyder Institute for Water Research and the new CLLMM Research Centre located in Goolwa. Discussions around upcoming projects and community engagements were well received and supported by local community members. 

Gloria Jones of the River, Lakes and Coorong Action Group who attended the discussion said, “After so many years of working toward a better basin it is like a breath of fresh air to have The Goyder Institute office located at Goolwa where there is much knowledge to be gleaned.” 

Coinciding with the launch of the new CLLMM Research Centre logo and website, the first of many community conversations were held at The Alexandrina Business Hub in Goolwa. The first conversation focused on engaging small businesses within the region to introduce the research centre and also a community survey. The conversation was a great success with over 15 local businesses in attendance.  

In addition, the community survey was the first of many processes that will help the Research Centre understand community and First Nations priorities for research and engagement activities delivered through the CLLMM Research Centre. The survey was also released across a number of local media outlets and has already gained traction across the CLLMM region.  

November was also a great month for the establishment of the Centre’s research projects as the first foundation projects were kicked off. The first projects will focus on waterbirds within the region and an augmented reality immersive experience.  

The waterbirds project will focus on engaging with key parties, waterbird experts, First nations and community representatives to identify key priority areas for waterbird research that inform management in response to climate change. 

The augmented reality experience will be comprised of an interactive sandbox, housed at the CLLMM Research Centre, and a series of interactive data stories that will allow community to visualise social, cultural and ecological aspects of the region, and to visualise how climate change may affect the region. These projects are the first of many and the research team is excited to hear more from the community to develop priority projects over the coming months. We look forward to sharing more information on these and other new projects as they develop.

For more information, visit or contact the CLLMM Research Centre’s Communications and Engagement Coordinator, Dr Tiffany Nay, 


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