Managed Aquifer Recharge and Stormwater Use Options: Satellite Sites Stormwater Quality Monitoring and Treatment Requirements for Potable Supplies
A Risk-based Management Plan for Mount Gambier Stormwater Recharge System: Stormwater recharge to the Gambier Limestone aquifer
Managed Aquifer Recharge and Stormwater Use Options: Investigation of stormwater impact on water quality and distribution infrastructure
Stormwater managed aquifer recharge risk-based management plan. Parafield Stormwater Harvesting System
Managed Aquifer Recharge and Urban Stormwater Use Options: Public Health and Environmental Risk Assessment Final Report
Financial costs, energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions for major supply water sources and demand management options for metropolitan Adelaide
A Decision Support Framework for identifying optimal water supply portfolios: Metropolitan Adelaide Case Study Volume 2: Appendices.