Your chance to contribute to the development of a Resilient Water Future for Greater Adelaide
Over the next 50 years, the demand for water will increase while our drying climate will reduce available sources. The water systems in Greater Adelaide will need to be resilient in the face of future uncertainty and increasing extreme weather such as floods, bushfire and drought. Goyder Institute Affiliate Partner, SA Water, are planning now […]
Team Goyder is off and running again for World Water Day
Following our participation in Sweat4Soap and the World Wetlands Run over the past two years, #TeamGoyder will be celebrating World Water Day on 22 March 2023 by taking part in #WorldWaterRun week. And yes, we may be a little crazy, but what better way to celebrate the value of water than getting out and about for some exercise! The theme for […]
New research report reveals pathway to keeping Adelaide’s liveable city status
Adelaide could soon become a much harsher place to live as extreme temperature events become more common, alongside more frequent and intense floods and droughts. Increasing urbanisation is also reducing the amount of vegetation in the landscape and decreasing water retention. Water management is at the heart of these issues in Adelaide. We need water […]
A year in review and farewell from our Director
It’s hard to believe that we’re already approaching the last six months of our current term. I’m pleased to report that we are progressing extremely well towards our goals. You can take a closer look at our achievements within the Institute’s 2022 Annual Report. This year has been very productive as we have: I made the […]
Water Resources Conference at the World Expo in Dubai identifies new international partnership opportunities
Water scarcity is an acute challenge for arid and semi-arid regions around the world that impacts all aspects of sustainable development. As the driest inhabited continent, Australia has developed knowledge and capabilities in many aspects of water management and sustainability and is well placed to contribute to efforts in other parts of the world and […]
New project established to inform future urban water management options for Adelaide
Innovative urban water management will be critical for supporting the liveability of cities throughout the world under future climates. Climate change, population growth, urban expansion and the complexity of urban water management pose significant future challenges for communities in urban environments. The challenges include higher and more extreme temperatures and the ongoing degradation of waterways […]
Reducing fine sediment loads into Adelaide’s coastal waters
The Goyder Institute has recently published the results of the research project “A decision framework for selecting stormwater management interventions to reduce fine sediments and improve coastal water quality”. Funded by the Department for Water and Environment (DEW), the project was led by Dr Baden Myers of the University of South Australia and involved researchers […]
New South Australian Government Climate Change Action Plan provides framework for future research of the Goyder Institute
South Australia’s climate is changing. The Goyder Institute’s Climate Ready project developed downscaled climate projections for South Australia’s regions. It highlighted that South Australia will become hotter and drier, with more frequent and intense extreme weather events as the climate changes. This poses significant challenges and opportunities for the state, and as such the Goyder Institute welcomes […]
Second term finishes strong – a year in review from the Director
Well, there’s no doubt that 2020 had some surprises in store for all of us. Aside from the personal challenges of operating in a global pandemic, many of our teams had to put field work on hold, limit regional travel and work from home without access to many of their tools and resources. Despite these […]
Goyder Institute partners with the Australian and South Australian governments to restore a wetland of international importance – the Coorong’s South Lagoon
The Goyder Institute for Water Research is pleased to announce that it is partnering with the Australian and South Australian governments for Phase 1 of the Healthy Coorong Healthy Basin Program (HCHB). This follows the establishment of the Institute’s third term, with its role to identify, develop and adopt knowledge for complex water management issues. The Institute’s involvement […]