Investigations underway to help restore the Coorong
The Australian and South Australian governments have announced the next $22.2 million of funding to help get the Coorong back on track for a healthy future. The Coorong is culturally, environmentally and economically important at local, national and international scales but the ecology of the southern Coorong has deteriorated. Most notably this has included large reductions in […]
ONE Basin CRC bid gains momentum
The Murray-Darling Basin is one of Australia’s most crucial, varied and productive natural resources, producing over one-third of our national food supply. Across the basin, farm businesses, the broader agri-sector and rural communities are facing significant challenges, with a changing climate and water availability combined with global influences, agricultural markets and industry adjustments. The ONE Basin […]
Research establishes proof of concept for blue carbon benefits from tidal reconnection of coastal wetlands
The Goyder Institute for Water Research Salt to C project is the first study in Australia to investigate the effects of tidal reconnection of a salt pond for carbon capture. The project report released this month outlines their finding that restoration of salt fields through tidal reconnection leads to a net gain in soil organic carbon stocks and rapid revegetation. […]
New research identifies the importance of healthy coastal habitats for combating climate change
Blue carbon ecosystems like seagrasses, mangroves and tidal saltmarshes have exceptional capacity to sequester carbon dioxide. Compared to many terrestrial forests, these coastal vegetation communities can accumulate carbon at faster rates and store it for longer periods, making them an important tool to combat climate change. The Goyder Institute for Water Research’s Coastal Carbon Opportunities project is among […]
New research advances blue carbon opportunities in South Australia
A report released this month by the Goyder Institute for Water Research summarises the most comprehensive data available for blue carbon in South Australia, outlining the blue carbon ecosystems within the state and their estimated blue carbon stocks and sequestration rates. Blue carbon refers to carbon that is captured and stored in coastal vegetated ecosystems. […]
Carbon offsets research to support the State Carbon Sequestration Strategy
The Goyder Institute for Water Research initiated the Carbon Offsets Research to Support the State Carbon Sequestration Strategy project to assess South Australia’s potential to offset emissions through land-use change and increase participation in the national Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF). The ERF has recently transitioned to the Climate Solutions Fund (CSF). The ERF/CSF is one of the […]