Goyder Institute wins national award for Research Excellence

The Goyder Institute for Water Research Partners were recently announced as winners of the Australian Water Association’s National Award for Research and Development Excellence. The award was for the Institute’s second term research program, reflecting the large, diverse, high-quality and impactful research of the Institute. The award is a recognition of the tremendous dedication and efforts […]

One Basin CRC to drive a sustainable future for the Murray-Darling Basin

The Goyder Institute for Water Research and its partners will play a leading role in a new multi-million dollar collaborative research program set up to safeguard the environmental and commercial future of the Murray-Darling Basin. A $50 million grant from the Federal Government’s Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) Program and another $106.5 million from 85 partners […]

New research project established to explore the feasibility of a water resource rating system

The South Australian Department for Environment and Water has recently commissioned the Goyder Institute for Water Research to investigate the potential to create an environmental, social and governance (ESG) rating system for water resources across the state. If feasible, the water rating system would be applied to both ‘native’ (i.e., natural waterways and groundwater systems) […]

Healthy Coorong, Healthy Basin Program fieldwork wraps up

The Goyder Institute-led Healthy Coorong, Healthy Basin Phase 1 Trials and Investigations Research Components are wrapping up their intensive field program as the research enters its final stages. The components will be completed by 30 June 2022, with our research teams having put in an enormous effort since these Phase 1 investigations began in July 2020. To celebrate […]

Floods and recent climate projections highlight the importance of ongoing water reform

The recent floods in eastern Australia and regional South Australia have served as an unfortunate but important reminder of the devastating impacts that extreme weather events can have on communities. While it’s too early to determine the contribution of climate change to these events, we know that the severity and frequency of extreme events, such […]

New project established to inform future urban water management options for Adelaide

Innovative urban water management will be critical for supporting the liveability of cities throughout the world under future climates. Climate change, population growth, urban expansion and the complexity of urban water management pose significant future challenges for communities in urban environments. The challenges include higher and more extreme temperatures and the ongoing degradation of waterways […]

In Focus: Research providing knowledge to identify climate adaptation pathways for the Coorong and Lower Lakes region

As reported in August 2021, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its latest report on climate change − highlighting that our climate is changing, with projections for southern Australia including a reduction in mean rainfall, an increase in the frequency of droughts, along with sea level rise. For the Coorong and Lower Lakes region this is likely […]

Running for World Wetlands Day (2 February 2022)

To celebrate World Wetlands Day (2 February 2022) and to help raise awareness of the critical importance of our global wetlands, the Goyder Institute has signed up to take part in the World Wetlands Run between 2-5 February. In a previous event in 2021, Sweat4Soap, #TeamGoyder covered over 150km in one week to raise awareness of Water, […]

Great progress towards our third term goals as 2021 draws to a close

As we approach the end of 2021, we also reach the halfway mark of the third-term of the Institute. And so it is timely to reflect on the Institute’s achievements, which we have done in our 2021 Annual Report – Progress Towards 2023 Goals. It is pleasing to see the substantial progress to date – a […]