Great progress towards our third term goals as 2021 draws to a close

As we approach the end of 2021, we also reach the halfway mark of the third-term of the Institute. And so it is timely to reflect on the Institute’s achievements, which we have done in our 2021 Annual Report – Progress Towards 2023 Goals. It is pleasing to see the substantial progress to date – a […]

In Focus: Research providing knowledge to restore a functioning Coorong food web

Healthy wetland animal populations depend on having both suitable habitat and a functioning food web. The Coorong consists of a diverse range of aquatic and terrestrial habitats, which support a multitude of animal and plant species. Yet, changes in environmental conditions such as reduced freshwater inflows, high salinity and nutrient loads, have impacted upon habitat […]

Welcome news for the ONE Basin Cooperative Research Centre

The Honourable Melissa Price MP, Minister for Science and Technology recently approved the progression of the ONE Basin Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) to the final stage of the current round of CRC applications. ONE Basin was one of six shortlisted bids out of 15; a tremendous effort given the competitiveness of the national CRC program that spans […]

Impact of second-term projects continue to ‘flow’

Following the successful completion of the second term of the Goyder Institute as highlighted in our October e-newsletter, the research program continues to have important impacts locally and nationally.  Whilst the second term research program was focussed on providing expert research and advice to inform priority water policies of the South Australian government, additional benefits are […]

Goyder Institute announced as winner of Australian Water Association’s SA Branch R&D award

The Goyder Institute Partners were recently awarded the Australian Water Association’s SA Branch R&D Award for the Institute’s second term research program. This is a wonderful recognition of the quality and impact of the Institute’s research, with the award acknowledging its significant contribution to a sustainable and prosperous water future for South Australia and Australia. […]

The Goyder Institute’s new Interim Director looks to an exciting year ahead

The start of 2023 represents a period of change and new beginnings for the Goyder Institute for Water Research. As 2022 came to an end, the Institute bade farewell to outgoing Director, Dr Kane Aldridge and I was delighted to present him with a trophy recognising his outstanding service during his five years in charge […]

Goyder Institute team surpasses its #Sweat4Soap target

As highlighted in our September eNews, in support of Global Handwashing Day on 15 October 2021, our team at the Goyder Institute participated in #Sweat4Soap. This campaign, led by ultramarathon runner Mina Guli and the Thirst Foundation, helps raise awareness of global issues relating to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). The Sweat4Soap campaign ran from 12-17 […]

Call for participation – water resources conference at World Expo in Dubai

Water scarcity is an acute challenge for arid and semi-arid regions, and it impacts all aspects of sustainable development. As the driest state on the driest inhabited continent, South Australia has developed knowledge and capabilities in many aspects of water management and sustainability and is well placed to contribute to efforts in other parts of […]

Independent evaluation highlights success of Institute’s second term

An independent evaluation has concluded that the Goyder Institute’s second term research program (2015-2020) was highly successful, delivering important research that influenced priority water policies and improved economic, environmental, cultural and social outcomes within South Australia. In addition to Videos and Project Highlight Summaries produced for individual projects (links below), a summary of the overall success is presented in […]