Agricultural technologies in South Australia survey

The South Australian Government, through the guidance and advice of the AgTech Advisory Group, is creating an AgTech strategy for South Australia to encourage greater uptake of technology on-farm to increase productivity and profitability. Ag Tech is an important focus area of the proposed One Basin Cooperative Research Centre that the Goyder Institute is partnering in. This survey is the […]

Investigations underway to help restore the Coorong

The Australian and South Australian governments have announced the next $22.2 million of funding to help get the Coorong back on track for a healthy future. The Coorong is culturally, environmentally and economically important at local, national and international scales but the ecology of the southern Coorong has deteriorated. Most notably this has included large reductions in […]

Expert panel recommendations inform changes to groundwater management in the Lower Limestone Coast

The Minister for Environment and Water, The Honourable David Speirs, announced his strategy to address the risks to groundwater resources in the Lower Limestone Coast (LLC). This follows the Goyder Institute for Water Research’s review of the science underpinning reductions to water allocations in the 2013 LLC Water Allocation Plan (WAP) and an updated risk assessment. The WAP sets out […]

ONE Basin CRC bid gains momentum

The Murray-Darling Basin is one of Australia’s most crucial, varied and productive natural resources, producing over one-third of our national food supply. Across the basin, farm businesses, the broader agri-sector and rural communities are facing significant challenges, with a changing climate and water availability combined with global influences, agricultural markets and industry adjustments. The ONE Basin […]

R&D plan charts course for the year ahead

After a successful 2019, The Goyder Institute for Water Research released its annual research and development plan for 2020. The R&D plan outlines the activities for the year ahead, including research across its three impact areas: Economic Impact, Healthy Ecosystems, and Climate Action.  Eight projects will be finalised this year and the Institute will focus on disseminating […]

New research papers outline innovative approaches for water exploration and palaeovalley evolution

A significant source of ancient water was discovered in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands in 2018 by the Goyder Institute for Water Research’s G-FLOWS (Facilitating Long-term Outback Water Solutions) project. The G-FLOWS research team have continued to map the resource and have begun to share their findings with the broader community. As part of this, the G-FLOWS […]

Call for expressions of interest – ONE Basin Cooperative Research Centre

The Goyder Institute for Water Research and partners (Flinders University, ICE WaRM, SARDI, the University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia) are working with the University of Melbourne, the University of Southern Queensland, and the Australian National University on a cooperative research centre (CRC) bid and is seeking expressions of interest from potential […]

A year in review from the Director

It’s been another exciting year for the Goyder Institute for Water Research. We’ve finalised six major projects and their findings are now being used to support decision-making across the state and beyond. For example, findings from the Coastal Carbon Opportunities, Salt-to-C and Carbon Offsets projects have informed the newly released State Blue Carbon Strategy and advanced blue carbon opportunities for the state.  The Offsetting […]

New research identifies the importance of healthy coastal habitats for combating climate change

Blue carbon ecosystems like seagrasses, mangroves and tidal saltmarshes have exceptional capacity to sequester carbon dioxide. Compared to many terrestrial forests, these coastal vegetation communities can accumulate carbon at faster rates and store it for longer periods, making them an important tool to combat climate change. The Goyder Institute for Water Research’s Coastal Carbon Opportunities project is among […]