Team Goyder is off and running again for World Water Day

Following our participation in Sweat4Soap and the World Wetlands Run over the past two years, #TeamGoyder will be celebrating World Water Day on 22 March 2023 by taking part in #WorldWaterRun week. And yes, we may be a little crazy, but what better way to celebrate the value of water than getting out and about for some exercise! The theme for […]
New research report reveals pathway to keeping Adelaide’s liveable city status

Adelaide could soon become a much harsher place to live as extreme temperature events become more common, alongside more frequent and intense floods and droughts. Increasing urbanisation is also reducing the amount of vegetation in the landscape and decreasing water retention. Water management is at the heart of these issues in Adelaide. We need water […]
Goyder Institute wins national award for Research Excellence

The Goyder Institute for Water Research Partners were recently announced as winners of the Australian Water Association’s National Award for Research and Development Excellence. The award was for the Institute’s second term research program, reflecting the large, diverse, high-quality and impactful research of the Institute. The award is a recognition of the tremendous dedication and efforts […]
Impact of second-term projects continue to ‘flow’
Following the successful completion of the second term of the Goyder Institute as highlighted in our October e-newsletter, the research program continues to have important impacts locally and nationally. Whilst the second term research program was focussed on providing expert research and advice to inform priority water policies of the South Australian government, additional benefits are […]
Goyder Institute announced as winner of Australian Water Association’s SA Branch R&D award
The Goyder Institute Partners were recently awarded the Australian Water Association’s SA Branch R&D Award for the Institute’s second term research program. This is a wonderful recognition of the quality and impact of the Institute’s research, with the award acknowledging its significant contribution to a sustainable and prosperous water future for South Australia and Australia. […]
Call for participation – water resources conference at World Expo in Dubai
Water scarcity is an acute challenge for arid and semi-arid regions, and it impacts all aspects of sustainable development. As the driest state on the driest inhabited continent, South Australia has developed knowledge and capabilities in many aspects of water management and sustainability and is well placed to contribute to efforts in other parts of […]
Independent evaluation highlights success of Institute’s second term
An independent evaluation has concluded that the Goyder Institute’s second term research program (2015-2020) was highly successful, delivering important research that influenced priority water policies and improved economic, environmental, cultural and social outcomes within South Australia. In addition to Videos and Project Highlight Summaries produced for individual projects (links below), a summary of the overall success is presented in […]
Project Coorong’s Science Forum resources now available
Several scientists from the Goyder Institute for Water Research participated in the Project Coorong’s World Wetlands Day Science Forum that was held in Goolwa in February. The Science Forum gave members of the local community the opportunity to hear about the research underway in the Coorong. Institute researchers shared their findings to date across the […]
New South Australian Government Climate Change Action Plan provides framework for future research of the Goyder Institute
South Australia’s climate is changing. The Goyder Institute’s Climate Ready project developed downscaled climate projections for South Australia’s regions. It highlighted that South Australia will become hotter and drier, with more frequent and intense extreme weather events as the climate changes. This poses significant challenges and opportunities for the state, and as such the Goyder Institute welcomes […]
Goyder Institute partners with the Australian and South Australian governments to restore a wetland of international importance – the Coorong’s South Lagoon
The Goyder Institute for Water Research is pleased to announce that it is partnering with the Australian and South Australian governments for Phase 1 of the Healthy Coorong Healthy Basin Program (HCHB). This follows the establishment of the Institute’s third term, with its role to identify, develop and adopt knowledge for complex water management issues. The Institute’s involvement […]