From South Lagoon to Siberia: tracking Coorong waterbirds via satellite

In a world first, sharp-tailed sandpipers have been tracked using satellite trackers as they move around the Coorong and neighbouring wetlands before migrating to Siberia to breed. The shorebird tracking program is part of a suite of field research Goyder Institute for Water Research scientists have been undertaking in the Coorong over the summer to […]

Interim management updates

Institute Director Dr Kane Aldridge is currently enjoying some well-earned leave. Dr Alec Rolston is Acting Director with the support of Mr Daniel Pierce. Alec can be contacted via email at and by phone on 0405 846 275. Alec and Daniel will continue to manage the Institute’s operations, including the delivery of the existing research program […]

Institute welcomes new Research Program Manager

The Goyder Institute for Water Research is delighted to welcome Dr Alec Rolston to the team as Research Program Manager. Dr Rolston will be overseeing the Goyder Institute’s research projects of the Healthy Coorong, Healthy Basin program. Alec’s role will include ensuring the Goyder Institute research program is delivered effectively, managing the extensive partnerships and facilitating the […]

Congratulations Prof McKay – winner Premier’s Water Professional of the Year Award

We would like to congratulate Professor Jennifer McKay, Professor of Business Law, University of South Australia for being awarded the Premier’s Water Professional of the Year Award at the Australian Water Association’s South Australian Water Awards. The Awards recognise the contribution of the Association’s members for their inspiring leadership and innovative research, programs and infrastructure […]

Second term finishes strong – a year in review from the Director

Well, there’s no doubt that 2020 had some surprises in store for all of us. Aside from the personal challenges of operating in a global pandemic, many of our teams had to put field work on hold, limit regional travel and work from home without access to many of their tools and resources. Despite these […]

Vale Professor Peter Teasdale

We are saddened by the news that Professor Peter Teasdale, UniSA, died suddenly on 7 August 2020. We send our love and sympathies to his wife Bern, daughters Nat and Katelyn, and all of his colleagues at UniSA across the water sector. Peter held many roles at UniSA including Director of the Natural and Built […]

Goyder Institute partners with the Australian and South Australian governments to restore a wetland of international importance – the Coorong’s South Lagoon

The Goyder Institute for Water Research is pleased to announce that it is partnering with the Australian and South Australian governments for Phase 1 of the Healthy Coorong Healthy Basin Program (HCHB). This follows the establishment of the Institute’s third term, with its role to identify, develop and adopt knowledge for complex water management issues. The Institute’s involvement […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: Goyder Institute partners establish the third term of the Institute

This week the Goyder Institute for Water Research partners established the third term of the Institute for 2020–2023. The Institute partners, the South Australian Government through the Department for Environment and Water; CSIRO; Flinders University; The University of Adelaide, and the University of South Australia agreed to continue with the valuable collaboration that has provided […]

Flow on effects – new tools to support the integrated management of river flows and floodplain infrastructure along the River Murray

Infrastructure has been built along the River Murray over the last ten years to help sustain critical floodplain ecological communities by recreating some of the natural inundation regime that would have occurred prior to development. The benefits of providing these floodplains events are relatively well known, but until recently it wasn’t clear what effects infrastructure […]