Investigations underway to help restore the Coorong

The Australian and South Australian governments have announced the next $22.2 million of funding to help get the Coorong back on track for a healthy future. The Coorong is culturally, environmentally and economically important at local, national and international scales but the ecology of the southern Coorong has deteriorated. Most notably this has included large reductions in […]

R&D plan charts course for the year ahead

After a successful 2019, The Goyder Institute for Water Research released its annual research and development plan for 2020. The R&D plan outlines the activities for the year ahead, including research across its three impact areas: Economic Impact, Healthy Ecosystems, and Climate Action.  Eight projects will be finalised this year and the Institute will focus on disseminating […]

A year in review from the Director

It’s been another exciting year for the Goyder Institute for Water Research. We’ve finalised six major projects and their findings are now being used to support decision-making across the state and beyond. For example, findings from the Coastal Carbon Opportunities, Salt-to-C and Carbon Offsets projects have informed the newly released State Blue Carbon Strategy and advanced blue carbon opportunities for the state.  The Offsetting […]

New tools to help growers sustainably expand production in the Northern Adelaide Corridor

Production in one of South Australia’s most important food bowls could double if irrigated agriculture and horticulture expands across the Northern Adelaide Plains (NAP) – the area north of Adelaide between St Vincent Gulf and the Mt Lofty Ranges. Horticulture on the NAP generates more than a fifth of South Australia’s fruit and vegetables – approximately […]

New research advances blue carbon opportunities in South Australia

A report released this month by the Goyder Institute for Water Research summarises the most comprehensive data available for blue carbon in South Australia, outlining the blue carbon ecosystems within the state and their estimated blue carbon stocks and sequestration rates. Blue carbon refers to carbon that is captured and stored in coastal vegetated ecosystems. […]

Goyder Institute joins Smart Water Mission to New Zealand

Earlier this month, Goyder Institute for Water Research Director Dr Kane Aldridge joined the Smart Water Mission to New Zealand with SA Water, ICEWaRM and the Department for Environment and Water to promote South Australia’s water capabilities and establish pathways for the State’s water industry into this market. South Australia is widely considered to be […]

Women in Water — visibility matters

The Goyder Institute for Water Research recently partnered with the Water Industry Alliance and the International Centre of Excellence in Water Resource Management, the National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training, Water Research Australia and the Department for Environment and Water in the Women in Water breakfast series, with the July breakfast focusing on ‘Celebrating women in […]

SA’s droughts are getting worse — new published research informed by Institute’s SA Climate Ready data

A new study has found that South Australia’s droughts are getting worse, becoming longer and more severe. Professor Simon Beecham, UniSA’s Deputy Vice Chancellor: Research and Innovation, led the study and drew on data from his Goyder Institute for Water Research SA Climate Ready project. The Institute’s SA Climate Ready project was the most extensive climate change investigation ever undertaken in […]