Second term finishes strong – a year in review from the Director

Well, there’s no doubt that 2020 had some surprises in store for all of us. Aside from the personal challenges of operating in a global pandemic, many of our teams had to put field work on hold, limit regional travel and work from home without access to many of their tools and resources. Despite these […]

Goyder Institute partners with the Australian and South Australian governments to restore a wetland of international importance – the Coorong’s South Lagoon

The Goyder Institute for Water Research is pleased to announce that it is partnering with the Australian and South Australian governments for Phase 1 of the Healthy Coorong Healthy Basin Program (HCHB). This follows the establishment of the Institute’s third term, with its role to identify, develop and adopt knowledge for complex water management issues. The Institute’s involvement […]

Investigations underway to help restore the Coorong

The Australian and South Australian governments have announced the next $22.2 million of funding to help get the Coorong back on track for a healthy future. The Coorong is culturally, environmentally and economically important at local, national and international scales but the ecology of the southern Coorong has deteriorated. Most notably this has included large reductions in […]

New research identifies the importance of healthy coastal habitats for combating climate change

Blue carbon ecosystems like seagrasses, mangroves and tidal saltmarshes have exceptional capacity to sequester carbon dioxide. Compared to many terrestrial forests, these coastal vegetation communities can accumulate carbon at faster rates and store it for longer periods, making them an important tool to combat climate change. The Goyder Institute for Water Research’s Coastal Carbon Opportunities project is among […]

New research advances blue carbon opportunities in South Australia

A report released this month by the Goyder Institute for Water Research summarises the most comprehensive data available for blue carbon in South Australia, outlining the blue carbon ecosystems within the state and their estimated blue carbon stocks and sequestration rates. Blue carbon refers to carbon that is captured and stored in coastal vegetated ecosystems. […]

State Government seeks community feedback on Healthy Coorong, Healthy Basin Action Plan

The South Australian Minister for Environment and Water, David Speirs MP announced on 23 August that community feedback is being sought on Project Coorong’s Healthy Coorong, Healthy Basin Action Plan, which outlines proposed activities to restore and revitalise the Coorong. The Healthy Coorong, Healthy Basin Action Plan is based in part on independent, expert science advice that the Goyder Institute for […]

Goyder Institute projects recognised for informing international best practice approaches to Indigenous engagement

In April 2019, Goyder Institute for Water Research scientists Professor Daryle Rigney and Associate Professor Steve Hemming from  Flinders University were invited by the Canadian House of Commons to present a special submission to the Standing Committee on Natural Resources in the area of best practice Indigenous engagement.  Associate Professor Hemming presented to the Standing Committee and supplied a […]