In Focus: Research providing knowledge to inform the future management of nutrient levels in the Coorong South Lagoon
Nutrients are known to be a key driver of aquatic ecosystem health. While nutrients are essential for all living organisms, high nutrient levels can lead to problems such as excessive algal growth, or ‘algal blooms’. Ongoing research by the Goyder Institute has identified that this is the case for the Coorong South Lagoon; the knowledge […]
Goyder Institute partners in the ONE Basin CRC rebid
The Goyder Institute is partnering in the rebid for the ONE Basin Cooperative Research Centre (CRC), which will address one of Australia’s most complex water challenges. ONE Basin will support resilient communities in the Murray-Darling Basin by, for the first time, creating innovations at the nexus of agriculture, water, energy and environmental systems. It provides an […]
Goyder Institute showcases its Strategic Plan
Our vision through to 2023 is that the Goyder Institute enhances the vibrancy of communities across South Australia and nationally by continuing to lead the delivery of impactful research for sustainable, innovative and integrated water management. The Institute will continue to facilitate collaborative partnerships between governments, industry and research institutions to develop and adopt solutions […]
Goyder Institute unveils new branding
The start of the new financial year provides opportunity for renewal, and the Goyder Institute is delighted to introduce its new branding. While our overall logo remains unchanged, the Institute is introducing a new ‘Icons’ branding which will feature across all new communications, publications and research outputs for the remainder of the Institute’s third term […]
Coorong scientific research project crosses halfway mark
Five teams of researchers, brought together through the Goyder Institute, have been conducting extensive investigations about the Coorong ecosystem that are critical to efforts to restore this iconic wetland. The research project is due to be completed in June 2022. The Healthy Coorong Healthy Basin (HCHB) program is a $77.78 million initiative of the Australian and South […]
Translating Ngarrindjeri Yannarumi into water resource risk assessments
The results of the research project ‘Translating Ngarrindjeri Yannarumi into water resource risk assessments’ have recently been publicly released on the Goyder Institute website. The project was commissioned by the South Australian Government in 2018 as a direct response to the Commonwealth Murray-Darling Basin Plan (2012) requirement that Basin states, including South Australia, must meaningfully engage First […]
Reducing fine sediment loads into Adelaide’s coastal waters
The Goyder Institute has recently published the results of the research project “A decision framework for selecting stormwater management interventions to reduce fine sediments and improve coastal water quality”. Funded by the Department for Water and Environment (DEW), the project was led by Dr Baden Myers of the University of South Australia and involved researchers […]
Project Coorong’s Science Forum resources now available
Several scientists from the Goyder Institute for Water Research participated in the Project Coorong’s World Wetlands Day Science Forum that was held in Goolwa in February. The Science Forum gave members of the local community the opportunity to hear about the research underway in the Coorong. Institute researchers shared their findings to date across the […]
From South Lagoon to Siberia: tracking Coorong waterbirds via satellite
In a world first, sharp-tailed sandpipers have been tracked using satellite trackers as they move around the Coorong and neighbouring wetlands before migrating to Siberia to breed. The shorebird tracking program is part of a suite of field research Goyder Institute for Water Research scientists have been undertaking in the Coorong over the summer to […]
Second term finishes strong – a year in review from the Director
Well, there’s no doubt that 2020 had some surprises in store for all of us. Aside from the personal challenges of operating in a global pandemic, many of our teams had to put field work on hold, limit regional travel and work from home without access to many of their tools and resources. Despite these […]