The South Australian Government and Goyder Institute partner to establish a Water Ambassador

The South Australian Department for Environment and Water and the Goyder Institute have partnered to appoint Hon Karlene Maywald as the South Australian Water Ambassador for 2022-2023. This will be an important role for the South Australian water sector, focussed on enhancing collaboration between water businesses, governments, the state’s three universities and CSIRO to grow […]
Goyder Institute wins national award for Research Excellence

The Goyder Institute for Water Research Partners were recently announced as winners of the Australian Water Association’s National Award for Research and Development Excellence. The award was for the Institute’s second term research program, reflecting the large, diverse, high-quality and impactful research of the Institute. The award is a recognition of the tremendous dedication and efforts […]
New research project established to explore the feasibility of a water resource rating system

The South Australian Department for Environment and Water has recently commissioned the Goyder Institute for Water Research to investigate the potential to create an environmental, social and governance (ESG) rating system for water resources across the state. If feasible, the water rating system would be applied to both ‘native’ (i.e., natural waterways and groundwater systems) […]
Call for participation – water resources conference at World Expo in Dubai
Water scarcity is an acute challenge for arid and semi-arid regions, and it impacts all aspects of sustainable development. As the driest state on the driest inhabited continent, South Australia has developed knowledge and capabilities in many aspects of water management and sustainability and is well placed to contribute to efforts in other parts of […]
Independent evaluation highlights success of Institute’s second term
An independent evaluation has concluded that the Goyder Institute’s second term research program (2015-2020) was highly successful, delivering important research that influenced priority water policies and improved economic, environmental, cultural and social outcomes within South Australia. In addition to Videos and Project Highlight Summaries produced for individual projects (links below), a summary of the overall success is presented in […]
Finding ancient water in the outback – new research to support remote communities and enterprises
Water is scarce in outback areas and yet essential to help communities survive as well as increase opportunities for investment in remote regions. With water scarcity expected to become more apparent in the future, new, sustainable water sources will be required. New research released from the Goyder Institute for Water Research has identified a new […]
Investigations underway to help restore the Coorong
The Australian and South Australian governments have announced the next $22.2 million of funding to help get the Coorong back on track for a healthy future. The Coorong is culturally, environmentally and economically important at local, national and international scales but the ecology of the southern Coorong has deteriorated. Most notably this has included large reductions in […]
Expert panel recommendations inform changes to groundwater management in the Lower Limestone Coast
The Minister for Environment and Water, The Honourable David Speirs, announced his strategy to address the risks to groundwater resources in the Lower Limestone Coast (LLC). This follows the Goyder Institute for Water Research’s review of the science underpinning reductions to water allocations in the 2013 LLC Water Allocation Plan (WAP) and an updated risk assessment. The WAP sets out […]
New research identifies the importance of healthy coastal habitats for combating climate change
Blue carbon ecosystems like seagrasses, mangroves and tidal saltmarshes have exceptional capacity to sequester carbon dioxide. Compared to many terrestrial forests, these coastal vegetation communities can accumulate carbon at faster rates and store it for longer periods, making them an important tool to combat climate change. The Goyder Institute for Water Research’s Coastal Carbon Opportunities project is among […]
Goyder Institute joins Smart Water Mission to New Zealand
Earlier this month, Goyder Institute for Water Research Director Dr Kane Aldridge joined the Smart Water Mission to New Zealand with SA Water, ICEWaRM and the Department for Environment and Water to promote South Australia’s water capabilities and establish pathways for the State’s water industry into this market. South Australia is widely considered to be […]